The Cellar Letters

If you are looking for Spooky…

Then you have come to the right place!

***FIRST REVIEW WHEN THIS WAS MY FAVORITE PODCAST: The hardest part is the WAIT…Only because I want to hear the rest so badly. I love Spooky/Eerie Horror Fiction Podcasts. I found this from the LIKEWISE APP that tells you great Podcast recommendations. If someone is looking for this Genre, I ALWAYS recommend The Cellar Letters !

CURRENT REVIEW: THIS had so much promise. I wonder if the Podcaster writes as he goes but isn’t quite sure where it’s going. I HATE to write this. As an avid listener of Fiction Podcasts this is what I want: A Show that comes out on the same day that is at least 20-30 min. 2 weeks apart is the longest it can possibly go or we forget what happened in the last episode. Don’t worry about making the Show go for a year ! Make a fabulous show even if it’s 8 episodes every 2 weeks and it’s done. It’s better to have Short and Fantastic than long and drawn out. The 10 min episodes are maddening after waiting for at the least 2 weeks.

I feel like it should be “Remastered, Put Season 1 in 3 episodes. Do the same with S2 & S3. There hasn’t been an episode now for months but I had no idea S3 was over. S1 was 5 star. It got a little slower in S2 which I’d give a 4 star. S3 didn’t go anywhere. I’ll give it a 3 star only because I knew the character. If a new episode comes out I will have to listen to the last episode to remind myself what happened.

Even MORE CURRENT: I LOVE THIS SHOW. The slow burn is driving me crazy (I guess that’s the point) Now I have a new way to listen. I wait until there’s at least 5 episodes - that means coming to check every 2-3 months. This way I can listen to a story with continuity for 30+ minutes. Right now, I’m left on a cliffhanger. If this could just come out every 2 weeks and be at least 20 minutes I’d be in my glory. 5 Stars for the Show, 5 Stars for Anxiety but 1 star for 8 or 9 min episodes.

June 4, 2023 by Tante143 on Apple Podcasts

The Cellar Letters